Silvio is a French marine biologist, diplomat of a Bcs in "Marine biology" and a Ms in "Coastal environment ecology and management" from La Rochelle University. Currently living in Portugal, he is an ambitious and motivated assistant research of the Institute of Marine Research, IMAR, at the department of oceanography and fisheries of Azores University since 2016. As a collaborator of IMAR, he worked on the mapping and monitoring of Azores coastal MPA's network and local coastal management projects. However is areas of interest are, behavioural ecology, conservation of marine megafauna and ecophysiology. He is a certified scuba diver, free diver, lifeguard and skipper.

Silvio created the project "FWBR" in 2015, when the species jumped from the statute of Data Deficient to Criticaly endangered, according to IUCN.
